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[cellml-dev] using InputFormatToMathML

Chronological Thread 
  • From: lpsmith at spod-central.org (Lucian Smith)
  • Subject: [cellml-dev] using InputFormatToMathML
  • Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 23:54:42 +0100

* Andrew Miller <ak.miller at auckland.ac.nz> [2010-08-09 22:32] writes:
> On 10/08/10 08:34, Lucian Smith wrote:
> >OK, after poking at this a bit and not getting very far, I moved on to
> >other things (and had more success there--more on that in a different
> >email), but now I'm back to this bit. Unfortunately, I believe the code
> >alan linked to, while interesting, is actually the code I'm trying to call
> >myself, so is a level or to too deep to be instructive for my own problem.
> >
> >So, to recap: Does anyone know to do one of the following:
> >
> > - convert a 'domIElement' to a 'mathml_domIMathMLElement' so I can use
> >AddMath
> You should just be able to use QueryInterface if the element is in the
> MathML namespace.

I did try this, but it failed... [sounds of rummaging around in code

er, OK. It actually didn't fail where I thought it had failed! Sigh. It
failed in the actual 'addMath' function, with the code 'failure'.

Rummaging around in gdb, I find that it actually fails at line 422 in

421 if (newChild->mDocument != mDocument)
422 throw iface::dom::DOMException();

This is mysterious to me, because I created my domIDocument exactly once,
and passed it in as the argument to the 'InputFormatToMathML' function:

nsCOMPtr<domIDocument> doc;
nsCOMPtr<domIDocumentType> dt;
nsString model = ToNSString("model");
nsString none = ToNSString("");
rv = domi->CreateDocumentType(model, none, none, getter_AddRefs(dt));
rv = domi->CreateDocument(none, model, dt, getter_AddRefs(doc));


AssignMathOnceFor(mapiter->second, doc);

which calls:

AddCellMLMathTo(formula, targetvar, doc)

which calls:

rv = mmlis.InputFormatToMathML(doc, formstring, getter_AddRefs(mathml));
nsCOMPtr<mathml_domIMathMLElement> recast_mathml;
rv = mathml->QueryInterface(recast_mathml->GetIID(),
rv = upcast_cmlcomp->AddMath(recast_mathml);

(the last of which is failing)

And indeed, checking the value of the original 'doc' and the one I pass to
'InputFormatToMathML', I get the same pointer.

However, it's possibly illuminating that in DOMImplementation.cpp, that
value is different?

My code:

(gdb) p doc
$20 = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x81df824}, <No data fields>}


(gdb) p mDocument
$17 = (CDA_Document *) 0x81df248
(gdb) p newChild->mDocument
$18 = (CDA_Document *) 0x81df6b0

But maybe my problem is more systemic--does the 'CreateDocument' actually
add the model to the document in question? Or are they separate, and need
to be conjoined somehow?


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