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[cellml-dev] Compiling OpenCell and/or getting a .lib

Chronological Thread 
  • From: lpsmith at spod-central.org (Lucian Smith)
  • Subject: [cellml-dev] Compiling OpenCell and/or getting a .lib
  • Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 01:11:14 +0000

So, mucking about trying to get OpenCell to compile with the API binaries
didn't work, because there are (I think) generated files that OpenCell
needs that are not in the binaries. From 'configure':

checking for your CellML API directory... invalid configure: error: The
CellML API directory
/cygdrive/c/Users/Lucian/Desktop/CellML/api-binaries-win32/ did not
contain interfaces/ICIS.xpt. Give the path to the CellML API with
--with-cellml_api=/path/to/cellml_api. Ensure you built the API
with XPCOM, Context, CCGS, CIS and CeLEDS support.

So I tried copying over everything I had generated on UNIX, and that got
me past 'configure', but now I'm getting a weird 'can't include file'

/home/Lucian/xulrunner-sdk/bin/xpidl -m header -e stubs/IDataCollector.h -I
stubs \
-I /cygdrive/c/Users/Lucian/Desktop/CellML/cellml-api/interfaces -I
/home/Lucian/xulrunner-sdk/idl DataCollector/IDataCollector.idl
.\DataCollector/IDataCollector.idl:2: can't open included file
nsISupports.idl for reading

Which is weird, because nsISupports.idl is right there in
/home/Lucian/xulrunner-sdk/idl, which I can see right there on the compile
line should have been included.

I had a similar problem with the CellML API in that the binaries Andrew
quite helpfully provided only have the .lib files, and don't have the
generated .h files. Again, I copied over everything from my Unix version,
which I think got me further, but I then got the error:

error C2146: syntax error : missing ',' before identifier 'NS_OUTPARAM'

for the line:

NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD HasFeature(const nsAString & feature, const
nsAString & version, PRBool *_retval NS_OUTPARAM) = 0;

Here, the problem seems to be that NS_OUTPARAM is not being defined
anywhere--I found it #defined in xulrunner's nscore.h file on unix... but
which isn't defined at all in Windows in the sdk I downloaded from the
site. I suppose I could continue and copy over my xulrunner-sdk from
unix, but it seems at this point that there would be more
incompatibilities than just missing #defines, probably of a more
fundamental nature. If this is wrong and I can indeed just copy over the
source files, that'd be great, but I don't have high hopes.

So, I need to either find a way to generate the .h files myself,
(presumably in a manner similar to that which you all used to create the
.lib files for the API, lest I diverge again and create incompatible
files), or I can bug Andrew again to include the generated .h files in the
API binaries download.

Any advice? Thanks again!


  • [cellml-dev] Compiling OpenCell and/or getting a .lib, Lucian Smith, 12/04/2010

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