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[cellml-dev] Meeting about process to prioritise API features

Chronological Thread 
  • From: ak.miller at auckland.ac.nz (Andrew Miller)
  • Subject: [cellml-dev] Meeting about process to prioritise API features
  • Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 12:26:19 +1300

Hi all,

At some point there is a need to decide what process we will follow to
determine the features that there is the most demand for in the API.
This is especially important now that OpenCell is no longer developed
out of Auckland, and so we need input from users around the world to
know what is the most important.

I think the best way to do this is:
=> Schedule a meeting in Auckland to decide on the process to be
followed. The purpose of this meeting is to focus on the process, and
not to discuss the actual feature priorities (to ensure that people not
in Auckland have a chance to have the same level of input as API users
in Auckland).
=> Follow that process to get feedback from everyone.

I'd suggest that we consider something like the following as the
starting point for the process at our meeting:
Send out e-mail invites asking people to discuss feature priorities
by e-mail.
Schedule an Evo or Skype meeting and invite members from interested
groups to participate.

Ideally, we want to put API users in touch with each other, and get them
to agree on what the universally most important new features are.

If possible, it would be good to hold the process meeting today -
Randall will probably want to be there, and I don't think he is at the
institute until later today; Mike has expressed interest in attending
and has said he is available all day today - if anyone else wants to
attend, let me know what times today you will be able to attend.

Best wishes,

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